Saturday, May 28, 2011

memorial day weekend

having taken last weekend off to knit nonstop (i can do that, you see), i now have elebentyX2 things i want to do this weekend:

  • strip and refinish bonnie
  • work on ash
  • warp the ikeahack
  • finish the needle case
  • shop for little middle

seems i should start them in that order, too.  can i get  bonnie finished in three days, i wonder?  need to mix up some stripper now.


  1. nice to know what you're up to this weekend! i might post my own to-do list to get me on track. have you shared your ikeahack? haven't heard this one! (and what is little middle?)

  2. i was wondering where you went! the ikeahack is a 4-faced tapestry loom(s) made from a $15 ikea nightstand, which i found on ikeahacker and did post somewhere on my knitblog (it's getting like the golden notebook aroundhere!)but probably before i knew you, and which i'm going to use in my folk school fiber arts class in brigadoon in three weeks--little middle being the name of that week, the only one the folk school has for kids, like a summer camp, really, for a week, and teaching there funds my whole summer in brigadoon, not because thy pay so much $$, but because it makes it all possible :)

    never did mix up that stripper yet, though...
