after two good lessons from experienced spinners, both of whom showed me but did not tell me, saying it’s in my hands, not my brain (as if i already didn’t know--that!)--and when i ask a question tell me to relax, as if a simple question was a sign of agitation! i need answers to them in order to proceed, is all, so i’m going to have to find a book and teach myself, i guess. my hands do not know what to do unless initially told by my brain, and i don’t understand what it is that i’m supposed to be seeing. so? book. traditional learning method for me.
i can’t even tell if i’m overtwisting because of too little take up, or for some other reason. i keep spinning and spinning again the same two feet of yarn. i can’t tell when, or even if, it’s winding on, or how it should, or anything else. book. and this new place to keep track.
i wonder what book?
apparently, from what i'm finding, NO book. no youtube either. a newer wheel to learn on? what?